Do you ever open your wardrobe and you simply have nothing to wear? Or do you find yourself wearing the same three outfits on repeat for days? While there is nothing wrong with repeating your favourite outfits (never change a winning team!), you might find yourself craving for a fresh way of styling the clothes you already have. Don’t know where to start looking for outfit inspo? I’ve got you covered!
1. Magazines

My favourite way of getting inspired and seeing the latest trends is reading fashion-related magazines, my absolute favourite being Vogue. If you don’t want to subscribe, just check out their freely accessible online articles, for example on Vogue UK. Many outfits you see there are not exactly what you’d wear to the office or a normal date night, but get inspired and play with some elements of the outfits you see to give your usual outfits a twist.
2. Your past outfits
If you don’t take mirror selfies whenever you’re feeling yourself, start now! They don’t have to be fancy, they don’t need to reach anyone else’s eyes if you don’t want them to. But take them and save them in a separate folder on your phone. Whenever you’re a the state of “I have nothing to wear”, let yourself get inspired by your past outfits. You’ll be surprised by the many cool combinations you have created before.
3. Your own wardobe
Okay, so you have nothing to wear. Your wardobe is probably bursting with clothes, though, isn’t it? Set aside 30 minutes, just take out any piece of clothing and start building an outfit around it. Be bold and try combinations you have never even considered before. And when in doubt, throw in a statement belt. Play with the items you have and you will find unexpected variety in your very own wardrobe. Don’t forget to take pictures of the outfits you created, so you will remember them next time!
4. Pinterest
I know, I know, it’s a no-brainer. But seriously, create a Pinterest board with your favourite fashion inspo right now if you don’t have one yet. The key is to create different sections for different occasions, i. e. casual, summer, cocktail, you name it. Also, don’t overload your boards but only add pins that really speak to you. This way, whenever you feel uninspired, you just go to the board that fits the occasion and have outfits you love right at your fingertips. Check out my Pinterest board here!
5. Instagram Collections
One more obvious but useful tip. Let’s be honest, we all scroll Instagram every day, sometimes even for hours. So use the opportunity to help your future self with style inspo (while also leaving some love for the creators you enjoy)! Create a collection for outfits and save your favourite posts.
What I also love to do is using hashtags while searching for specific things. For example, you want to style an all-white outfit? Just search for #allwhiteoutfit and get inspired!
How do you find fashion inspiration? Let me know in the comments below!
Love, Carola